today i am not going to school because my throt realy hurts when i swollow.That means i miss swimming my teacher at swimming says that i am realy good at swimmng under water, when we do under water computions i always win the compotions are lke who can stay under the water the longest. Its the last swimming today as well but i cant because i am at home .We have got gym next term.
Hollie came around yesterday and slept .It was really fun . Today we went to my nans house and we could not stop laughing cuz my granndad said will your blog be on the laptop.
sence i have been at hartcliffe i have had 3 pieses of homwork . but i had not had to much with is ood i gess.
me and next door neighbur ,aaron got in are school unform a few days before school. Aaron put his head in cat nip.Now i am in year seven i am realy liking it.
i have had a realy great holiday this year i have done lots of things and mum is thinking about taking us out for lunch to day.It was my mums birthday th other day and had a brittlent birthday we stayed up late at night and stuff.But i can not wait to go back to school because for the first time i will be going to the same school as abby ( my sis older then me) and she will be in year 11 and i will be in year7 and i am 11 year old and i am going in to year seven istn that wierd.
are last day at schcool was realy good are teacher came back ( the one who left ) . I took thats of photos heres are some this frist one is good itsnt it.