Tuesday, August 31, 2004

i am on my way back for cardiff. it was a nice train we had a drik on it to and crips. when we went under tunnes my ears were hurting but it was all fun enyway. Posted by Hello

spending the week at nannys and grandad

i staed at nanny and grandads and it was quwite fun we go in to town on the bus with the other people . we went to the cinmau the other day to see doge ball now that is realy funny. Grandad has had a op 4 bipass . he gets better every time i see him .

when we went to cardiff

we went on a dirty tain. It was yester day we went but the tain on the way back was good . We went around the shops to look for some think to wear at my antys wedding .we got somithink realy nice for me and my sister. we had a realy nice day out to gether just me and my mum . my dress cost £ 12.oo but i got it for £ 6.oo it was half priss but it did not say eny think about half price one the tag

hi ya

hi this is my new web site